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Friday, January 9, 2009



at 1st i got the thought that the camp would be super tiring!!!
but in the end is was fun!!! i love the camp! i hope everything would rewind.
in deed this camp had make me build friendship stronger with some of my classmates! and and! hahahahah. i ask li min. u christian? she say no! i going to bring her back to GOD!!!. thank you God for give me a direction in my walk and my completion of st margs!

1st day
it was super funny. PM fu yong betray us! so from that time i called him betrayer!
hahahas. we did 2200 success claps! can die. hahaha not really the 300th i already cannot feel my hands liao.
so just do it! (nike says so)
so just contiune to do.
i learn that teamwork and tean spirit is very important.
anyway i wan to thank God for letting me leading the class. to learn to take the lead.
i wan to thank all the 2/6-rians 09 for accepting who i am. i know sometimes i am not a good leader but thank you for helping me in it.

2nd day
we got some walk in the botanic gardens. hahas
quite fun. after the walk when back to school to play some games. but i abit slack. so only when no one wan to go out then i go play. or ppl come to attack us. i need to take care of the land lor!
hahas. yeah after the games need to prepare some skit for CO. perfomance night.
haha then aubrey was taking care the youngers and the old man.
i was taking care of the taiji people. hahas.
sorry guys if i did not did a good job. sorry.
i felt that i cheated their feelings.
haha! i did not went up on stage. as in like i was in the back stage! hahahahahah.
ok. lols. i was over seeing the things!!!!!
PM Fu yong gave me a choice to do or not i chose not to do! i so smart!!!
lols need to over see the things. just in case they go out at the wrong timing!
haha. i dun feel cheated!!!

3rd day
it is a super sad dayyyyyyy.
last day of camp! during the camp deblief. something like that la. then our PMs cry.
lols make me feel like crying.
hahahs anyway yay. the camp has made a strong being physically or spiritually.

thank God for laurel and fastina. haha.
they had been there for me.
hope that our friendship will be stronger!

came atFriday, January 09, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009

MY 31st post.

i am amazeddddddd.
this is my 31 post.!!!
ok yeah.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! all human out there.
2009 a great ahead. amen?
things not going well. but yeah. God will have a way.
i shall let God take my problems.
yeah. so hahas.
wishing everyone a happy new year.!

came atThursday, January 01, 2009
Sunday, December 28, 2008

2009 a great year ahead.

oh my gosh......
is burning in me. it dont hurts but it hurts when st margs dun hit 14 by feb.
i wan nothing for my spiritual birthday nor my birthday.
what i wan is simple. 14 by feb. 28 by camp. i wan a new testimony. like wad daniel say. 20 we saw. 50 is more.
Acts 3:16
By faith in the name of jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is jesus' name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him as you call all see.

i dunno by i read it with different words.
God 14 is for u.
i will do it. if not i am going to fast on sweet drinks.
oh my goshhhhhhhh. the burning. all the sec one next year. i will know 50% of u!!!!
i will bring everyone to know GOD.
is a promise. to God myself daniel. and cc1 i will make cc5!
i dun mind others being careleaders. i am fine with it. but what i want now is ppl.
my prayer today to GOD IS
God i hanyulingcrystal pray that u will keep me on track to focus on completing st margs and nothing else. amen!

came atSunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008

merry christmas!

i did not post for almost a week. but i did not let it happen.
i was MIA for 2 days. so do the centralites. hehe
chalet was great. central celebrated christmas ourseleves. but i still lov u all. merry christmas.
hahas. 9 hours of Mafia. 9 hours not 9 mins. pro? hahhas. started off with less than 10 ppl end with 21 or 24 ppl. the last round did not get to end. sob.
i did not play. i was basiclly helping joshua lee to give out the cards to the ppl. and helping him to see.
i did not sleep. 24 of awakeness. and i was super awake.
hahas 1st time.
they started at 3am ended at 12pm.
i was super amazed. haha. 1st ze jie did not die a few rounds. and his members won.
2nd joshua wu did not die.
1st few round they died easliy. cause of sabo. hahas. lols
some guys were lousy. part of the game was go to slpp and they did.
a funny part. joshua wu did not wake up when it was his turn to wake up. zzz dozed off.
some guys were all tired. while ppl like li zhen still full of energy.
ok gtg. go chiong my cards. byebye. wait for my post again. hahah

came atFriday, December 26, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

HEROS camp

hi ppl i am back from camppppppppp
camp was great. amen?
praise God.

1st day.
games were fun. hahaha.
God says believe.
believe in me. yes God i will believe in you.
teaching was great!!!!
went to slept at 3? or 2? i dunno

2nd day.
teaching was great too. there is no words to explain.
unless u are there.

3rd day.
did not sleep. pro? hahaha
he made me awake.
i wan to thank winnie joanne ang and bridget for praying for me. thanks.
14 by feb 09. 28 by june camp........
God i wan to win st margssssss.
i wan to fight satan.
ppl need GOD.
satan pls get out of my way.
i dun wan u to disturb my way. so pls siammmmm.
24 hours of awakeness.
17 hours sleep.
one two three four five six seven+
one two three four five six seven+
one two three four five six seven+
one two three four five six seven+

came atWednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My week

y0s hahaha

my week is pack! so dun ask me go out or wad. NOT FREE!!
wed- training + Cargroup= not free.
thurs-shepherding and playing
friday-training. maybe free? see how. need to buy things for camp!
sat- camp!
DUN MISS ME i know u will. its okay
camp camp camp camp
sat sun mon tues

see i so busy right?????????
lolsssssssssssss. i filled my week fulllllllll.
holiday ending,

came atTuesday, December 09, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008

A day out

SIAN!! holiday going to end soon. i miss my sec 1 life. haha
a week pass = training starting.
i dun think i will go for monday's training me muscle pain pain. sobsob
i am looking forward to the match in the indoor sports hall with manjusri. dunno how to spell hehe.
today when to play badminton with angela jaslin joey chua bernard and bryan.
Bernard cry >,<
i shock sia. 1st time see him cry. haha. who ask him go li siao angela.
too bad lor. haha. i took his wallet and take his ez link card. he pro lor he nvr lost before his card. i lost like 4 or 5 times.
hahas. while we was playing some random people go shout at us from their house. then they go find them talk >,<
then play play play.
when bernard house to slack he dun wan to let us go in cause no one at home . but then his mother came home. then went in. almost fall a sleep >,<
stupid lol. then went zhenghua park to play.
my worst day >,< i promise i wun play swing with him around. he and bryan stupid leh.
at first some of us swing him. then i pushing behind. he was i push very hard -.- lame lor.
then i go play. then he offer to swing me. then i thot was ok. in the end i almost fly and 360 degree overturn. zzz. stupid sia. i scream. he said i going to cry ehh lols. i wun cry for such stupid things.
then go talk talk. they said about ghost. angela scare till dunno like wad. i not scare cause there is no ghost. haha.then they wan to go home. bernard and bryan go buy drinks. all cannot stay out late de. haiyooooooo. only i can. in the end. i went down to help my father buy things 1st then go home. on the way. jaslin was saying "like that no people accompany me" then stop half way. angela wanted to go home. then i say i send u home lor. cause i going down also. then jaslin said that lol. then angela go accompany her go take lrt. the boys also going lor. zzz then the bernard say wo pei ni xia qiu. (i accompany u go down). in the end, he go lrt buy drink i go myself.
cannot do it then dun say la. zzz. stupid. i ur senior u ps me. ZZZ. stupid.
i lazy to take my psp home i lend him play. I LEND HIM he still ask me go his house and take on monday. PLS LA IS U SHOULD COME MY HOUSE AND GIVE ME BACK CAN?

came atFriday, December 05, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008

A day again

yay! no training the whole week which means i going to be fat! haha who cares training start down will go down again. lols
the sky was like dark dark when we were on train. then like i pray to god! indeed god bless me. hahah. though it rain abit then stop but then it was like the dark cloud dark the sun. but then it slowly move away. hahaha. yay thank god!
went sentosa with my two best friends. joey and angelaaaaaaaaaa
hahaha so funny can? laugh untill i almost drown haha.
angela keep on go drink the sea water as we were playing in the sea. hahah. so salty lor.
i was like inside got like urine. every rubbish la. hahaa. then was fun and funny. thanks to angela and joey. hahaha. on bus we were like super tired. i going to slp liao then angela and joey suddenly burst int laughter. i wake up see see. lols. in the end from like the start of the bus laugh to the end >,< its was all his fault hahah.
have our last gdp meeting. haha they say i grow. did i grow? or is god growing in me? hahahs. i think i grow and god is growing in me. hahah. anyways. i have an idea. i wan to have a blessing book. haha. i should tell bridget.

tmr caregroup.

thursday esther night

friday no plans. hahha.

came atMonday, December 01, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008

NEW bed

yay! got new bed! new space! yay! so new. arhghghghg
but then i cannot go service.
but i spend time with my brother and my family lor.

angela got a new beloved! which is non other than! bernard !
ahhahahas jkjk
this few day very late then sleep all thanks to ng yang kai
sobbbbbbb tmr match must reach at eunos mrt at 7.30!!!!!!!!!!! 7.30 am!
sob i wan to cry ! which means i need to wake up at 5.30000000000 or 5! i wan to bath! hahahah meet ong szzzzzzzzzzzzze yuen at bus stop at 6.14 hahah lols

anyways i found a new gan mei! which is non other than joey chua! hahahah lols
also love bernard de lolssssss i dun understand also.aiyooooooooooo. furthermore love dao dunno like waddddddddd.......

i wan to thank god for jewell. she is going for camppppppp i wan my sheeeeepppppp all go camp! sheeps where are you? i wan to find you now! having shepherding with her on wed.
for the pig shepherd she haven tell me anything! i think most prob tmr? i dunno
father lord i pray that u will teach me how to love jewell as my sheep like how u love me. i pray that whatever i teach her she will learn and apply in her walk with u god. lord i pray all this in ur name,

end here,

came atSunday, November 23, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008

thanks bridget

thank you pig! for hitting me with ur words! God help me ! i wan to carry ur compassion! thank you god for blessing me with jewell for going to camp lord! thank you u are great god. i know wad pig said today is wad u wan her to tell me. lord though this lord my faith has been stronger.
lord it make me want to shout hallelujah thank you jesus.
anyway i really wan to thank bridget lin qi xin! thank you!

came atMonday, November 17, 2008

Welcome (:
Do taq before leaving. God love me. so does he.

God's Child.



water bap
more TEES !!
hair grow longer
good results

verse for the week.

Come to me,all you who are weary and burdened,and i will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28


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